Fast Compos (2D, 3D, Music, GIF, Short Feature)

You may register for the activity over the Intranet.

The compos and the theme will be announced during the party over the intranet so that those interested may participat.



No mistake, we are not looking for a new Spielberg. We just want you to make us laugh.

This is about recording a short feature during the party with a digital camera or mobile phone, lasting a maximum 3 minutes. You may exceed this but know that only the first 3 minutes will be rated. We particularly value originality and with the million free video apps existing in the world, you have no excuse.

We will continue to maintain the theme category, which will be revealed when the activity is opened on the intranet. We remind you that if your production does not adjust to this theme, or if you already have one previously made, or yours is a possible future Goya winner, you may send your creation to the shorts category.

NOTE: Mandatory integrated subtitles.


We give you 24 hours to use the silence of the night in your recordings. The theme may be a rhythm, a video or who knows where inspiration will come from.


One hour to speed-paint, the challenge of the blank sheet! On a theme that will appear in the intranet spoiler at the appointed time.


One hour to model on a theme that will appear in the intranet spoiler at the appointed time.


The perfect pretext for those with no control over any of the foregoing categories, but who are ingenious and have good ideas, with a mobile in hand, seeking a scene screaming to be replayed to infinity in a loop. Or how to troll friends and people on the scene just for the fun of it.

You must upload your productions directly to the Intranet. The works must be original and free of royalties. In addition, they must not have participated previously in any another contest.

The presentation of the works will be carried out under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs use licence, even when the author indicates a different usage licence or none at all. 

A professional jury appointed by the organisation will evaluate the works submitted based on their technique, originality and artistic quality and eventually they may possibly declare the competition void if they deem that the quality of the works is insufficient. 

The jury's decision is final.

The General Rules will apply along with these rules.

Participation in the competition implies acceptance of its rules.

Do not forget to include your name or nickname and seat at the party. The Organisers reserve the right not to screen those productions whose contents are offensive (specifically, ours) or are deemed to be inappropriate.

Fast 2D winner in Euskal Encounter 27 - Author: 'Norah'          Fast 3D winner in Euskal Encounter 27 - Author:  'Mibelgue'

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